The vine of Pausanias are huge trunks of vines that spread over trees (oaks) in the churchyard of St. Nicholas in the village Pagrati between Achaia and Arcadia borders. Vine of Pausanias is a significant monument of nature in the area. It was named by the historian Pausanias when he visited the area. In his Arcadian Pausanias mentions vine as a phenomenon peculiar. It’s age estimated at about 3000 years and length of 100 meters.
Κλήμα Παυσανία
The temple of Apollo Epikourios, one of the most important and most imposing temples of antiquity, stands in the bare and rocky landscape of Bassae. It is unique in the history of ancient Greek architecture because it combines a variety of novel ideas both in its external appearance and in its internal arrangements. Indeed, Pausanias considered it to be among the finest temples of the Peloponnese in terms of sheer beauty and harmony, second only to that of Tegea (8, 41, 8). The building is dated to 420-400 BC and is believed to be the work of Iktinos, who succeeded in combining masterfully several Archaic features imposed by the conservative tradition of the Arcadians with the characteristics of the new Classical style. The surviving temple is not the first one to have been constructed on the site. The earliest temple of Apollo erected in the late seventh century BC, possibly at the same location, was rebuilt at least twice in approximately 600 and 500 BC. Many architectural features from these two phases survive, including a large terracotta acroterion with ornate painted decoration, roof-tiles and antefixes. The Classical temple was raised on bedrock, on a specially built terrace. Like several other […]
Temple of Apollo Epikourios
A Archaeological Site of Peristeria is located 8 km from the town of Kyparissia and only 3 km from Raches. It is considered to be one of the most important centers of Proto-Mycenaean civilization, since it was also characterized as “Mycenae of the Western Peloponnese”. The excavations began by Spyros Marinato in 1960, but his sudden death in an accident stopped the excavation. In the late 1970s Professor Georgios Korres continued the excavations. In the area there are three (3) vaulted tombs in which many gold cups and jewels were found, as well as great pots, dating back to the 16th-15th century BC. and are exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Chora.
Lousoi was an important city of Arcadian Azania (such was the name on the Kleitora northwestern Arcadia), a holy nation-wide, the temple of Artemis Agenda. Located on the southwest side of the extension of Aroania mountains (Helmos), in particular in the western foothills of Lucius terms or Prophet Elias, in the valley of Soudena between Kynetha and Kleitoros. Tradition connects the sanctuary of Artemis with the seer Melampus (The Chief Psychiatrist of antiquity) that there cured of madness, with the intervention of the goddess, the daughters of the king of Tiryns Proetos great-granddaughter of Danaos. As a token of gratitude to the goddess daughters introduced female dances, they founded a sacred grove where he erected an altar which erainan blood of goats and sheep. Since then, the residents named Artemis Daily, Day, one that imerefei everything. In honor of the goddess was a great celebration, the DAY, in competitions where they took place and foreigners. Artemis was then “day” (good-natured, benevolent) with offerings and rituals in the sanctuary of. Near Lousoi village of Kalavryta Municipality, the Austrian Archaeological Institute has brought to light the great Arcadian town Lousoi while excavations are continuing. They excavated the temple of Artemis Daily, was […]
Αρχαιολογικός Χώρος Άνω Λουσών
The Archaeological site of Ancient Kleitora located at village Ano kleitoria just 3 km from Kleitoria town. This is one of the most important cities of ancient Azania and because it is built on a plain, like other Arcadian cities, it is surrounded by strong walls for protection, which currently do not have survived in good condition, because the material was used in post-Byzantine and later years to build the houses in the surrounding villages. The wall is reinforced by distances from semicircular towers built during the Hellenistic period. The latest excavations have revealed an important part of the fortifications and towers and part of the ancient theater which is not in good condition. In front of the theater in a proper place every summer important theatrical performances are played due to the fact that the situation of the ancient theater does not allow using it. According to tradition the city took its name from Klitoria’s son, Azana.