The Archaeological site of Ancient Kleitora located at village Ano kleitoria just 3 km from Kleitoria town.
This is one of the most important cities of ancient Azania and because it is built on a plain, like other Arcadian cities, it is surrounded by strong walls for protection, which currently do not have survived in good condition, because the material was used in post-Byzantine and later years to build the houses in the surrounding villages.
The wall is reinforced by distances from semicircular towers built during the Hellenistic period.
The latest excavations have revealed an important part of the fortifications and towers and part of the ancient theater which is not in good condition.
In front of the theater in a proper place every summer important theatrical performances are played due to the fact that the situation of the ancient theater does not allow using it.
According to tradition the city took its name from Klitoria’s son, Azana.